We apologize.
Journey to Bethlehem will not take place this year but will return in 2019!
Thank you for all of your support thoughout the years!

If you are interrested in volunteering
for the 2019 program please email:

Your interactive Journey begins indoors with Live Christmas Music in the Sanctuary of the Wenatchee Seventh-day Adventist Church and then continues outdoors through the town of Bethlehem.

A local Bethlehem resident will be your group guide as you see the many Shops, visit the Scribe, the Tax Collector and the Inn Keeper. You can ponder with the Wise Men as they follow the Star and see the Sheperds and the Manger where the Christ Child was born.

Journey has been over 7 months in the making, with many church members and community friends volunteering to help with construction, sewing of costumes, decorating, rehearsals and much more.

Journey includes over 150 Actors and Supporting Cast in Full Costume as well as a
with Sheep, Goats, Donkeys, Chickens AND… a Camel.

Refreshments will be served at the end of your Journey

For Directions or more information contact the Wenatchee Seventh-day Adventist Church at:

Google Directions:
600 N. Western Avenue, Wenatchee, WA 98801